Technical Officer

Prosper Dorfiah

Prosper is an environment and climate scientist with a wealth of experience in environmental and e-waste projects, with a particular focus on end-of-life management of electrical and electronic appliances. With over four years of experience in the field, he has become an informal expert in e-waste management training and possesses a deep understanding of the environmental and health impacts of e-waste, as well as the best practices for its proper disposal and recycling. Passionate about promoting sustainability and reducing the harmful effects of electronic waste on the environment, Prosper has worked with various organizations, businesses, and governments to develop and implement effective e-waste management strategies. He stays up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and is knowledgeable about current regulations and guidelines surrounding e-waste management. Prosper is committed to educating individuals and communities about the importance of responsible e-waste disposal and promoting sustainable practices such as repairing, refurbishing, and recycling electronic devices. His expertise and passion for e-waste management make him a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn more about this critical issue.
In addition to his environmental work, Prosper also has extensive experience in IT. He is skilled in information systems management and analysis, hardware troubleshooting, hardware and software installation, applications and program management, technical support, and network administration. Prosper's combined expertise in both environmental science and IT makes him a well-rounded professional with a unique set of skills to offer.
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